It's been a while since I've posted, so these are kind of random. I just wanted to remember these cute little things the girls do on a fairly regular basis. They made waffles one morning, taking turns putting ingredients in and using the hand mixer.
This next picture shows McKinley cutting celery sticks for dinner with a small sharp knife (always supervised). Yes, she's in her pajamas and had been wearing them all day. They were passed down from one of my friend's daughters the night before and McKinley loves them!

I think she would wear them every day if I let her and if I never had to wash them. ;) Sage is cutting a banana with a butter knife. Most of her banana made it into her mouth rather than the little bowl I provided her with. It's really what I expected. They love to cut and are very careful.
Matt and Suzanne were in town last weekend with Lydia, so those of us who live here, got together at

Gramma and Grampa Hansen's for dinner. The kids always love to play together. Matt has a job opportunity here, which would be great to have more family around, but he would be giving up a lot with his career dreams and what he loves to do. They have a tough decision ahead of them and we wish them the best whatever they choose. :)

Roy went with his friend, Scott, to cut down a couple trees in the mountains last Saturday. I haven't seen the one Scott chose, but ours is pretty cute. McKinley and Sage helped me get out some of the Christmas things while Daddy was gone. We actually just the stockings out and the train that goes around the tree. We listened to Christmas music on line and had a good time.
Cute pics. Glad to hear that you like your tree. Can't wait to see pics of the girls decorating it. ( : Hope you're feeling well, I know you're really on the countdown to baby #3...I'll be anxious to see pics of the little guy.
Did your parents move? How long have you all been in Nampa? Do you ever see Nikki?
Cute pictures. I was nervous about the celery - what little chefs you have. That banana is a good idea. I'll have to let my girls try that. They like to help more than I let them. :)
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