Monday, December 17, 2007

The Ugliest Christmas Sweater

Saturday night we went to Roy's work party. Everyone was encouraged to wear an ugly Christmas sweater for a contest. Roy went to D.I. and bought this sweater, embroidered with little birds. It was just too plain, so he also bought garland and some ornaments to add to it. He took those things, along with his brilliant idea, to his mom to help him make it. Luckily, his mom is a talented seamstress and worked with him to create this beautiful masterpiece. As you can see, there really wasn't much competition. Who could really compete with this?

1 comment:

Kris said...

Wow, no kidding...that is an ugly Christmas sweater - particularly on Roy (it's a little too feminine for you Roy, but could certainly win the contest, hands down, year after year). CONGRATULATIONS on the big win.