Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Expressive Girls

I went to take a picture of Sage on Sunday and she started to make faces at me. I decided to take advantage of the opportunity and it turned into a photo shoot. I would ask her to show me certain expressions and she performed like a professional model. :) Show me: upset, happy, surprised, sad, questioning -- (oh really?), and mad. She's quite the expressive one.

I tried to do the same with McKinley, but she had her own ideas of what to do. She wanted to show me excited, silly, baby, flower (she's growing/blooming), reindeer, and tree. They're quite the characters. :)


Kris said...

Cute pics...but mostly cute girls. ( : Love you!

valumama said...

Hey, this is Sterling and Valarie Holman, we found your page off the Knotts'. Congratulations on the addition of River! Beautiful family.
Check out our page at:
p.s. I (valarie) am kind of a blog stalker, so I will probably link your page to ours so we can check back often.

Sage Pierce said...

Congratulations Angela and Roy! Mike and I were blown away at how long it had apparently been since we had talked...since we didn't even know you were pregnant! :) Wow, River is so dang cute! I also cannot believe how big (and beautiful) your girls are! Good luck with everything!! Like Valerie, I too am a blog I will have your link on our page. Our blog address is:
Take care, and congratulations again!!