River Carson Spaulding was born at 10:18 pm Wednesday night. He weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. and is 21 inches long. Though he doesn't have much hair, we think it's more than either McKinley or Sage had, and it looks like it will be dark and curly.

Deciding on a name was a difficult task since it's what he'll be for the rest of his life. We've used a family name (to remind them of their great heritage) and a nature name (to remind them to enjoy the beauties of nature and all that God has created) with each of our children.

Their names have a lot of significance to us and hopefully will mean a lot to each of them someday. We chose the name Carson because that is Roy's middle name. The name River requires a lot more explaination. When we first told the girls we were going to have a baby, McKinley said that if it was a girl, we should name her Sparkly and if it was a boy, we should name him River. I thought that was pretty cool that she would chose such an appropriate name for a boy that fits our naming pattern and it makes her feel really good that she got to help name him.

Of course that's not the only reason for his name. Roy was a raft tour guide in Alaska several years ago and got pretty involved in white water kayaking. He taught me to kayak when we were dating and rivers have been a big part of our life together. The most significant meaning of River's name to me comes from rivers themselves. Not only are they beautiful and sometimes tranquil, but they're also strong and powerful. A river can bring life to its surroundings and doesn't let the hard, jagged stones (trials in life) weigh it down.

It takes whatever is thrown into it's path and moves on, taking the rough stones and making them smooth. Rivers can also provide a means for fun, excitement, and adventure in ways that can unite people, as has been the case with our family.

My Mom brought McKinley and Sage into the hospital to see us and they both LOVE River! Sage wanted to hold him right away, but McKinley needed a little time to observe before she was ready. Neither one of the girls can seem to get enough of River! They aren't acting jealous yet, so that's good. They are both just wanting to play Mommy and will be huge helpers I'm sure!;)

We came home from the hospital last night after a very positive experience there. We didn't even stay 24 hours after delivery, but we were ready to get back to our girls and our own bed. :)
What a BEAUTIFUL baby!!! He's perfect...I can't get over how adorable he is. Those are great photos, you look fabulous for just having a baby & I love the one with the girls too, sooooo cute. Love you!!! Hope you recover quickly & adjust to having three kids. ( : We love you!
Congratulations! You look great and looks like you are all doing well.
He is beautiful! We can't wait to see him!
Congratulations!!! He is adorable!!
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