A few mornings ago, McKinley and Sage hosted a tea party with Roy and I as their guests. They were so careful pouring the "tea" (it was really water) and handling the fragile little cups and saucers. They were perfect little hostesses and we had a most delightful time. :)
I've had requests from my sisters to show them the cakes I made for Sage's birthday. My mom started a tradition when we were young that my siblings and I have tried to continue. She would ask us what we wanted for our cake and made the most amazing creations according to what we asked. She made Cabbage Patch Doll cakes that looked just like our own dolls, standing doll cakes, a basketball that was a perfect sphere, cars, and more without ever using cake molds. I wouldn't even attempt some of what she did. I just showed Sage some pictures of cut-up cakes that I found on line and had her choose what she wanted. She chose the duck, so I also made a duck pond to go along with it. They're not spectacular, but I enjoyed making them.
Last night, we celebrated Sage's birthday at Roy's parents' house. It was very nice of them to let us use their home since ours is a bit too small for all the people we had over. We ate spaghetti, had cake and ice cream, and opened presents. Sage's reaction was priceless when she blew out the candles and we all cheered. She was so proud of herself and really seemed to love the attention. I wish I'd gotten a picture of her face at that moment, but I wasn't fast enough. She also loved opening the presents and wanted to play with each thing as soon as she got into the package. I think one new thing would've made her happy.
It's fun to see what clever things you're doing with your kids on any given day. They're lucky to have such a good mom.
So cute. Were you all required to use english accents during your tea party? Cause you'd have to at my tea parties, for sure. Way to carry on the cake tradition. Looks great!! I bet the girls loved it.
Love the pics. Thanks for posting a couple of your cake - it turned out SO CUTE! Happy Birthday to Sage, I wish we could've been there to help celebrate.
Tell McKinley & Sage that I hope they have another tea party someday when we're in town...those girls always make the best tea. ( :
P.S. I notice McKinley even has her little pinky out...that is the sign of a true lady at a tea party.
How adorable! Happy Birthday to Sage - my mom used to make cakes like that for us too. I haven't been that brave yet...maybe I'll try something for Lauren's birthday. (You've inspired me! :)
So cute! Tea party is so cute. My niece is really into tea party play thing and sometimes she asks me to join her! My question is do you guys serve real tea? juice? or what? Is it appropriate or safe to serve matcha green tea powder to children? I'm afraid of too much caffeine or something. Please advice! green tea
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