Saturday, November 10, 2007

I had to laugh

Last night, as I was getting the kids ready for bed, I noticed Sage standing on the toilet holding a mirror with a handle. You may just think she would be looking at herself, but she was actually practicing her mad face. It made me laugh. Roy had recently commented on her faces and had said he wished we could get pictures of all of them. I guess it made her curious. :)
On a totally separate note, I have kind of lost my brain since I've been pregnant. It happens every time. My mind just looses the capacity to think or something. Well, one of the kids' cups got stuck in the sink yesterday. It was just the perfect size to block the opening and I couldn't get it out to save my life. When Roy came home, he separated the disposal part under the sink and pulled out the cup, full of water. He then dumped the water into the sink, which was now open underneath, so the water came right through. Apparently, I'm not the only one suffering from "pregnant brain". I laughed so hard -- I couldn't stop. Those of you who really know me, know that when I get laughing, I keep thinking about how funny it was and continue laughing about it well after the moment has passed. This was one such time.


Kris said...

Ohhhh yes, the never ending's one of my favorites. ( :

virginiaoak said...

I really do love that about you. I have the same problem. Happened in RS just a week ago. Full streams of tears running down my face. I love laughing that hard. ;)