My friend, Nikki, just shared a story on her blog about their 120 pound St. Bernard pup. While our puppy is just a light-weight (88 pounds) compared to hers, I could relate to the feelings of weakness when trying to control such a strong animal. I realized then that I haven't


mentioned him in our blog, so I figured it's probably time. Although I weigh more than Teton (our Retriever/Lab puppy), my muscles can't compete -- shocker, I know. I can no longer take him for walks with the girls as he is the one who ends up walking us.
Last night when Roy got home from work, he brought Teton into the house and practiced some tricks with him. (Roy is 6'2" so you have a reference for Teton's size). He's a good puppy, despite his hyperactivity, but he'll be a

very good dog someday.
We have another good little puppy around. Sage pretends to be a cat or dog frequently and is very good at retrieving. :)
Very impressed with Sage's fetching abilities. When did you start training her? ;) Both your girls are so full of personality, I love it!! And wow, Teton is getting to be so big.
Teton has really grown since I last saw him. Looks like Roy's doing a good job training both Teton & Sage. ( : You kiss that little Sage puppy for me, she's as cute as they come (and McKinley too). Love you!
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