McKinley learned to ski last winter and was anxious to hit the slopes! She went skiing over Christmas break too, but unfortunately, I wasn't there to take pictures.

She did three runs before calling it quits so Sage could take a turn.

We forgot the Edgy Wedgy to keep the ski tips together, which wasn't a problem for McKinley, but we worried a little bit about Sage.

Sage skiied last year in the backpack, but this year she said she wanted to do it by herself. Sage was so bundled up and the ski boots were too big (they're the same ones McKinley uses). She reminded me of the little boy in A Christmas Story ("I can't put my arms down!"). Most of you are probably familiar with that movie -- it's a classic as far as I'm concerned. :)

Roy had to keep grabbing her harness to help her trek through the snow. Having skis on her feet was a new and exciting experience. She smiled and giggled, but couldn't move very well on flat ground without her Daddy's help.

He finally picked her up in his arms and carried her to the lift.

She struggled a little bit at first standing up on her own. She kept leaning forward and relying on her Dad to keep her up. At first, I wondered if Roy was going to have to hold her up the whole way down the mountain. That was not the case.

It didn't take long before she started allowing Roy to lengthen his hold on the straps.

She did a great job by the end even without anything to keep her ski tips together. She's a natural just like McKinley! :)
Roy's mom was kind enough to come skiing with us and take turns with the kids. Truth be told, she only got to ski about an hour of the time we were there. She was so great to let Roy and I ski with the girls and with each other.

When we finished skiing and were packing up for the day to hurry back for Roy's evening of clients, I rushed out to get a picture of River on his first trip to a ski lodge. He was asleep when I picked him up and put this bunting on him.
Obviously it didn't affect him too much to be put against a few skis or tree trunk in the snow since he kept on sleeping! :)
Sounds like a fun day for you all. I'm glad the girls had so much fun and that you got a chance to ski. River is getting SO big. ( : Love you!
Glad to know that you didn't just leave River there while you were skiing. Cute pic, but kind of a weird scene at first glance. ;) SO fun. And Sage does remind me of that kid. hilarious.
I am so impressed. I was in ninth grade before I went skiing and I think I was the first in my family to go. We just weren't into it I guess. I enjoy it - but, I am happy on the bunny hill. Ha ha! Jon is a great skier so maybe our kids will get lucky. :)
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