We've gotten so much snow lately! The mountian close to us where we go skiing got 4 feet last week. I'm not sure how much we've had in the valley, but it's more than they've had here in years!

Our Stake President even cancelled church Sunday. How often does that happen? I think he must be a California transplant. :)

We took advantage of the snow this weekend to go sledding. Although we don't have actual sleds or big hills close by, we didn't let that stop us. We went to Roy's parents' house and tied one of our kayaks to the back of Grandma and Grandpa's 4 wheeler. Grandpa drove us all around the fields surrounding their house.

We even got high centered a couple times going over big snow drifts. Sage had fun at first I think, but didn't last the whole time. She ended up riding on the 4 wheeler for the second half.

Roy started out on the innertube, holding on to the rope attached behind the kayak while I rode on the back of the kayak with the girls.

Later, Grandma rode on the back with McKinley while I rode on the innertube. While I was riding, I kept having to lift up my behind to keep it from dragging. My body kept having to go straighter so I was practically lying flat. I kept yelling to Roy (now on the 4 wheeler with Sage) to ask him if I was losing air.

It wasn't long before I was just dragging the deflated tube with me while I slid on my rear end. I have to say, it didn't make me feel too good to think that I was the one who popped the tube. :/ It was rather funny though. Roy and I then took each other on a little more wild ride. We all had a good time. River slept through the whole thing, which was nice.

When we were nice and warm inside, Sage took to her favorite banana chair. She ran as fast as she could to knock it over and roll off. This was her favorite part of our snow day I think.

1 comment:
Looks and sounds like a fun day! Love you.
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