I went to take a picture of Sage on Sunday and she started to make faces at me. I decided to take advantage of the opportunity and it turned into a photo shoot. I would ask her to show me certain expressions and she performed like a professional model. :) Show me: upset, happy, surprised, sad, questioning -- (oh really?), and mad. She's quite the expressive one.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Expressive Girls
I went to take a picture of Sage on Sunday and she started to make faces at me. I decided to take advantage of the opportunity and it turned into a photo shoot. I would ask her to show me certain expressions and she performed like a professional model. :) Show me: upset, happy, surprised, sad, questioning -- (oh really?), and mad. She's quite the expressive one.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Ugliest Christmas Sweater
Saturday night we went to Roy's work party. Everyone was encouraged to wear an ugly Christmas sweater for a contest. Roy went to D.I. and bought this sweater, embroidered with little birds. It was just too plain, so he also bought garland and some ornaments to add to it. He took those things, along with his brilliant idea, to his mom to help him make it. Luckily, his mom is a talented seamstress and worked with him to create this beautiful masterpiece. As you can see, there really wasn't much competition.
Who could really compete with this?
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Our Little Elves
After seeing my sister Kris' elf dance, McKinley and Sage couldn't get enough of watching it , so Kris made one for them. Needless to say, they LOVED watching themselves dance around on the computer!
Sleepy Heads
Friday, December 14, 2007
Welcome River!
Monday, December 10, 2007
I'm Waiting!
My due date is three days away and I don't want to go over! I was hoping to have this baby early so his birthday would not be so close to Christmas. I have been trying all the natural methods of inducing labor, but nothing seems to work. I even took Teton on a walk on Sunday morning. . . That was a bad idea! I came home frustrated beyond belief after wrestling with him the whole time. It felt like I was having one long contraction while exerting all my muscles, but to no avail. I just felt sore, emotional, and lucky to have not fallen flat on my face and belly. Oh, well. I guess he'll come when he's ready, but I sure hope it's sooner rather than later. (sigh)
Friday, December 7, 2007
Happy Birthday Matt!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
This is quite a different reaction than she had last year.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
My Painting
Daring Little Jumpers
McKinley was all about the tricks she could do in the air. Is anyone surprised? She was turning around, jumping over her daddy's head, jumping with her eyes closed, and anything else she could think to try. I should have had the video camera going. At any rate, I think we have a little dare devil on our hands.
Monday, December 3, 2007
End of November
It's been a while since I've posted, so these are kind of random. I just wanted to remember these cute little things the girls do on a fairly regular basis. They made waffles one morning, taking turns putting ingredients in and using the hand mixer.
This next picture shows McKinley cutting celery sticks for dinner with a small sharp knife (always supervised). Yes, she's in her pajamas and had been wearing them all day. They were passed down from one of my friend's daughters the night before and McKinley loves them!
Matt and Suzanne were in town last weekend with Lydia, so those of us who live here, got together at
Monday, November 26, 2007
Favorite Activities
Treading Thin
I left McKinley and Sage with my parents today while I went to an appointment with my midwife in Boise. The girls love to go to their house and Sage always goes straight for the wooden duck in my dad's office. It's funny that this would be such a beloved toy since it's really just a decoration and there are plenty of other toys to play with.
Sage usually just takes the duck and plays with it, but apparently, today she felt the need to replace it with something else. My dad said that after taking the duck, she returned a minute later with this silver knight and carefully placed it on the shelf, moving it back and forth until she was satisfied it was in just the right spot. We had a good laugh.
After loading the kids and myself into our mini van, my mom
noticed my front tire was low and wondered if we needed to air it up immediately before driving back to Nampa or if I could wait until a more convenient time. I was wanting to get home for Sage's nap. My dad came out to give his opinion and noticed the belt showing through the tire and was afraid we'd end up blowing it. I knew the tires were wearing thin because I had to have a flat repaired a couple months ago and they said they couldn't legally put the tire back on our vehicle because the tire didn't have enough tread. They were nice enough to put a used tire on for free to get us through until we could replace all four. I guess we'd put it off a little too long as you can see. We were lucky we didn't blow a tire.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The kids entertained themselves with Grampa's wooden duck (always a favorite), the doctor's kit, and other various toys. I worked on coloring file folder games for the girls and we all watched the movie Ratatouille. It was a great day!
McKinley wanted to type her name and a few others. She did hers in the sentence above and these are others that she typed: Sage, baby.
McKinley wanted to type her name and a few others. She did hers in the sentence above and these are others that she typed: Sage, baby.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
An Eventful Day
After lunch, I gave McKinley and Sage each a piece of dough to make their own monkey bread while I made the dinner rolls. It's kind of a tradition that they enjoy when I make rolls.
With every busy day, it seems there has to be some fiasco for me. Today, it involved Teton. I freaked out the other night when I saw a mouse run into our garage. I put some mouse bait blocks in a couple places that I thought were safely out sight and talked to the girls about what I had done and told them not to try to get to them. I didn't have this talk with Teton and since he's hardly ever in the garage, I didn't think it would be an issue. Maybe I just wasn't thinking (sigh). Roy was in the garage working on the bunk beds that he's building for the girls and had Teton out there with him. Teton stuck his nose between the wall and the freezer and was able to get the poison. Roy had to rush him to the vet to get him to vomit the poison out. I, of course, feel very bad about the whole situation (to say the very least) and hope we don't see any negative effects from it. It's a painful lesson to learn, but I won't be using anything like that again!
I'm looking forward to a nice, semi-relaxing day with family tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
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