Sage filled her whole potty chart and we'll be going to Chuck E Cheese's to celebrate today. I wish I could say she's fully potty trained, but she does a good job going in the potty when she wants to.
It will also be a trip to celebrate McKinley's participation in the Primary Program on Sunday. Hooray for both!
Sage got dressed in her pajamas all by herself Thursday night! She dresses herself frequently in pants, shirts, and dresses, but doesn't usually try these sleepers. She was determined and even got both arms in and zipped it up all by herself!
McKinley is very independent as well. She has tied her shoes in the past, but it hasn't been tight enough for me not to have to redo it. Thursday, however, she was determined and kept trying until she got it just right. Doesn't her shoe look impressively good? She was so excited to have done it so well and so was I. Apparently I was a little too excited and at first, she wasn't going to let me take a picture. She told me she doesn't like it when I get so excited when she does something new, so I guess I'll have to work on toning down my enthusiasm. Only after I agreed to work on staying calm, did she strike this adorable pose and let me take a picture.
Sage loves to play Operation, but usually just likes to make it buzz. This time, however, she used the pinchers to actually retrieve several of the pieces from the guy. She was such a careful little surgeon!
McKinley and Sage both love horses and love to ride around on pretend ones. McKinley uses this surgical tubing thing to jump rope and does it very well for her age, I might add. But in this picture, they were both mounted on their horse and were riding around the house on it having a great time! They were laughing so hard and took turns being in front.
1 comment:
What cuties! I love that you have a blog now - it's so fun to see what your girls are up to on a regular basis. ( : Love you! Hope you're feeling well.
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