Wednesday, July 9, 2008

When I Was Four

McKinley turned five years old on Monday! It was a fun and busy day since several of Roy's family members were in town. In the evening, McKinley sat on a little baby push-along bike/walker and said, "I'm kinda too big for this. When I was four, I used to sit on this and scoot around sometimes." I thought it was hillarious. It took effort to keep from laughing out loud. :)


Erin Jacobs said...

I am in shock about the fact that she is already 5! Too cute though!

Unknown said...

Five is definitely one of those coming of age years, like 8 and 12 and 18 and 25 and 30. You've just entered a new age.

Matthew Hansen said...

Angie! So good to see your great family! I came across your sister on facebook and had a happy third cousin moment. How are you all doing? How is Boise? Your husband seems like a great guy - not surprised. Heard your folks are in Idaho as well. Please let me know how things are.

Matthew Hansen said...

oh, I am going to link you all to my blog, if you don't mind.


Shannon said...

I think that you do do things differently when you are four than when you are five. I mean five is so much older.